
How Much Does Cosmetology School Cost?


If styling and coloring hair interests you, you may consider attending cosmetology school. A cosmetologist can wash, cut and color hair while suggesting other treatments and products for clients.

Aside from finding the right school for you, you should also think about the cost to complete a cosmetology program. If you’re interested in becoming a cosmetologist, read on to understand the cost of cosmetology school.

Overview of Cosmetology Programs

Cosmetology programs are offered at various types of higher education institutions. The costs of cosmetology programs vary depending on the program length, type of training, and location.Most programs will offer similar curriculum to prepare students for state licensing exams. For example, the Cosmetology Program at Midwest Technical Institute (MTI) includes the following topics:

  • Cosmetology Sciences
  • Hair Care
  • Skin Care
  • Croquignole Curling
  • State Regulations
  • Salon Management

Cost Breakdown of Cosmetology Programs

Depending on location and program rigor, attending an accredited cosmetology school can cost up to $15,000. [1] For costs specific to MTI, please refer to MTI’s Gainful Employment Disclosures.

Benefits of Cosmetology School

Many cosmetology programs, like the MTI Cosmetology Program, provide students with cosmetology kits that are packed with essentials for training. These kits may include:

  • Scissors
  • Combs
  • Razors
  • Clips and cutting accessories
  • Curlers
  • Mixing bowls
  • Application brushes
  • Coloring caps
  • Sprays
  • Aprons
  • Mannequin heads
Students can also invest in curling irons, blow dryers and straighteners to add to their inventory of tools.Cosmetology schools may also offer training in customer service so cosmetologists can cater to their clients and create positive experiences, building lists of clientele. With their own client rosters, cosmetologists may be interested in starting their own businesses. Many cosmetology programs prepare students in salon management, so they are better equipped to own their own businesses.

How Do You Pay for Cosmetology School?

Financial aid is available to qualifying students attending many vocational and trade schools and can include:

  • Federal Grants
  • Federal Low-Interest Student Loans
  • GI Bill® Assistance
  • The Workforce Investment Act (WIA)
  • Scholarships

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