Considering a career as an HVAC/R technician?  With a projected growth of 6% through 2032 (double the national average of 3%), the demand for HVAC/R technicians is on the rise. Midwest Technical Institute (MTI) offers an HVAC/R Technician Program to teach students the skills they need to begin a successful HVAC career. Check out these frequently asked questions to help you learn more about the HVAC/R field.

The requirements to become an HVAC/R technician vary by state. Some aspiring HVAC/R techs begin their education through an apprenticeship or on-the-job training, while others attend a postsecondary training program, like MTI’s HVAC/R Technician Program.

Students in high school who have an interest in pursuing a career in HVAC/R are encouraged to take math and physics classes to help establish fundamental knowledge of electronics, which is pivotal in this industry. However, that’s not required.

The requirements for becoming an HVAC/R technician can differ, depending on the state. Nationally, guidelines mandate that technicians dealing with refrigerants must successfully clear the EPA’s Section 608 certification examination. 

To learn more, visit How to Become an HVAC Technician.

The HVAC/R Technician Program at Midwest Technical Institute can be completed in 9 months.

The HVAC/R Technician Program at MTI provides hands-on training in a broad range of skills, including the basics of electricity, heat pumps, air conditioning, gas heat, and indoor air quality. You’ll also receive employment and certification preparation, including the EPA Section 608 Core Type I and Type II exams.

The median annual wage for HVAC/R Technicians in May 2022 was $51,390. A technician’s salary is likely to increase as they become more experienced. The highest 10% earned more than $82,630.

Most HVAC/R Technicians work full time, and many work nights and weekends. During peak seasons (summer and winter), they may work overtime or irregular hours. This can also depend on the employer.

HVAC/R technicians primarily oversee the setup, upkeep, and repair of heating, cooling, and refrigeration systems. Electricians are primarily responsible for managing the installation, upkeep, and repair of electrical power sources in both residential and commercial settings. While some electrical work is required for HVAC/R Technicians, it’s not the primary focus for most HVAC techs.

To learn more, check out What Does an HVAC Technician do?